Protocol #3 dated on 29.05.1918 of Muslim National Council

Protocol #3 dated on 29.05.1918 of Muslim National Council


Tbilisi, Palace.

Deputy of chairman Agayev Hasanbay. Secretary M.Mahmudov. Participants: Ph.Kh.Khoyski, M.Y.Jafarov, M.B.Hajinski, Al.B.Mahmudbeyov,Ph.B.Kocherlinski, J.Malik-Yeganov, R.B.Vakilov,G.B.Shakhtakhtinski, A.Akhundov, M.K.Mammadbayov, A.Sheykhülislamov, M.Maharramov, Kh.B.Khasmammadov, Kh.B.Malik-Aslanov, J.B.Hajınski, S.A.Agamalov, Shariphov.

After the inaugaration of meeting Council Member Ph.Kh.Khoyski informed meeting participants about the results of negotiations held on  Azerbaijan and Armenia borders with Armenia National Council representatives.

Ph.Kh.Khoyski concluded his report with news concerning the necessity of political center  for establishment of Armenian Federation.  Khoyski considers only Irevan as political center after the joining up Aleksandrapol with Turkey. For that reason concession of Irevan to Armenia was inevitable.

Kh.B.Khasmammadov, M.Y.Jafarov, A.Sheykhulislamov (“on behalf of the party Hümmət”), Maharramov M. (on behalf of  socialist muslim bloc)  expressed their attitudes  concerning this issue.

Mentioned bloc considered concession of Iravan to Armenians as a historical inevitability as well as unescapable disaster.

The voting on this issue revelead following conclusions:

Votes for the concession of Irevan are 16 out of 28, votes  against the concession  is 1, and 3 people are neutral.

Later the issue regarding the establishment of joint confederation with armenians was brought to agenda. After short exchange of opinions this matter was put to the vote. It should be mentioned that future cooperation of Azerbaijan and Armenia was not accepted unanimously by Council.

Later Council Member  Ph.Kh. Khoyski suggested acception of Teymur bey Makinski to National Council by cooptation and this suggestion had been accepted unanimously.

Source :

State Archive of the Republic of Azerbaijan. Fund 970, list #1, work #1, page  51,52. Copy
